Trustworthy and Honest Wedding Planning Advice

Recently Engaged or Counting down the days to your special day this Summer?

Planning a wedding can be very stressful and time consuming, not to mention costly. Here at Isabella Weddings we are here to help.

Established in 2003, I trained as a wedding planner and have worked with over 300 couples ever since, the services we offer are bespoke and most importantly budget friendly.

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Wednesday, 23 March 2011

The Royalist in you

Come on, admit it, you are excited ... the dress, the shoes, the cake, the posed balcony photo .... am I right?

Not everyone reading this can remember (or want to) the last royal wedding in Britain. Even if you can this one seems nicer somehow. Maybe it's because they are young, hip, headstrong or maybe it's because it is Diana's first born and (most of us remember his birth!)

Even those who claim the only exciting thing about the 29th April is the day off must be wondering how Kate might scrub up (not that she needs much work to scrub up!) it's a chance to have a street party, celebrate being part of an ancient institution that is The Royal Family - even if it's just for one day.

If you are thinking of having a street party make sure you follow our top 5 tips to a successful traditional knees up to celebrate the wedding next month :

1 Bunting - plenty of colour and don't forget to include a few union jacks

2 Tea party food - sandwiches, scones and tea cakes (we're British don't you know!)

3 Tea - plenty! Hot and strong and keep it topped up
4 Music - Good British classics, get your dancing shoes on, it's a celebration after all!

5 Fun - it's a day off, in the sun (hopefully) and an excuse to actually like spending time with your neighbours, involve young and old and enjoy!
Tell us if you are having a street party - maybe even send us an invite! I'll be chatting to Radio Solent's Katie Martin on the day's events so do please listen out (turn your radio up at the party!).

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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