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Thursday, 17 March 2011

Children are welcome

But they must remain seated and silent at all times ...

This is an actual a sign at our local pub, a lovely country local which we do not frequent for the fear of our 4 year old needing to express her love for quavers or (heaven forbid) our toddler should want to tell us in detail about her impending trip to the bathroom.

What to do with the little people at weddings is a sensitive subject, surely the parents will look after them? Not entirely a reliable assumption, given the uncanny knack many parents have to abandon all sense of control over their offspring at the sight of champagne and a room full of relatives.

My personal pet-hate (besides David Dickinson) are childrens entertainers, ok ok so there may be some good ones out there (please prove me wrong!) but many are not the answer, it's not their role to actually care for your child but just to entertain them, they cannot contain them only suggest they join in, for an hour or so.

So what's the answer?

A Wedding Creche, a good one. Run by qualified and professional
child care experts. They can be there all afternoon, care for any age child and entertain as well.

To me this is the perfect solution and here is a favourite of mine:

Their Website

Get in touch with them soon and say I sent you on the road to promising your little guests a great wedding day!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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